Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Reality

Playing cricket at this level allows average players to participate in a sport that vaguely resembles its professional counterpart. This in turn gives rise to those players sometimes holding an image of themselves and their abilities that is perhaps a little at odds with The Reality. Between matches the batsman will close his eyes and see himself striding down the pitch to lift the fastest bowler in the league back over his head for six. The bowler, in quiet muse will be launching a searing delivery down at the best batsman which destroys all three stumps in a flurry of splinters and sawdust. The Reality can be quite different.

I had personal experience of this in Saturday's match. After a fortnight's break in Spain, I was not feeling in the peak of physical condition. However, in my last match three weeks ago, I had taken two wickets with my last two balls. This meant that my first ball in Saturday's match was a hat-trick ball. What follows, is the scenario being played out in my head, and The Reality.

In my head: Potts is looking motivated here. Despite the two week break he looks in reasonably good shape. He's given the ball by the skipper to open the bowling. His team mates look at him expectantly. They all know what's at stake here. That rare bowling feat of a hat-trick. Mid-off and mid-on give him a respectful nod as he commences running in.

Potts steadily increases pace gazelle-like right up to the crease and slams his foot down hard. His left arm swings over in a blur and the nervous batsman tentatively prods his bat forward. Potts is unlucky. The ball is nigh on unplayable but catches the inside edge and shoots along the ground through square leg for four runs. Potts stands mid-pitch, hands on hips with a rueful smile playing on his lips. Around the ground his team mates give sympathetic applause for an outstanding effort. Dignity maintained.

The Reality: What a lard arse. The ruddy-faced Potts has been away in Spain for two weeks and has clearly enjoyed too many extra helpings of anglicised paella and cheap lager. The usual two opening bowlers are not playing today so Potts benefits with a rare opportunity to start the bowling. How can this guy be on a hat-trick? His team mates look around at each other nervously as his huge bulk begins to wobble towards the bowling crease. He looks a little queasy. The paella and lager swish washing machine fashion around his ample belly.

Potts manages to reach the bowling crease without dying. His arm eventually comes over and the ball hits the deck halfway down the pitch. It's a leg side long hop. The batsman's eyes come out like organ stops and he belts it to square leg where it bounces just in front of the boundary for four.

His team mates give Potts a collective angry stare and Potts himself looks for cracks in the pitch wide enough for him to disappear down.

He realises that only the Grand Canyon will suffice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave I wouldn't call you lard arse.
More like a greek god.
My opinion is as always sound.
I cannot wait for the Aussie season to start when I will of course take 7 for 20 and score 85* in my first match...

I always saw you as an adonis..or was it in the adonis restaurant...