Afterwards, as we took the field to bowl our overs, I suggested to the team (for idle amusement) that our shouts of encouragement to each other should have a Frank Sinatra theme. The contributions were of mixed quality. They ranged from "Don't do Somethin' Stupid" to "Great bowling ParcelFreight! That's yer cargo!" ('Chicago'. Geddit?)
Later, in the outfield, my mind began to wander (see the 'Fred's Concentration' post below) and I started to muse on what Frank would actually have sung had he been a cricket fan.
My Way
And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final over,
I hope to clear the rope,
I'll smash the ball as far as Dover,
My Skip says play it cool,
Take gentle runs, that's not what I say
Oh no, oh no not me, I'll do it my way
Last night, I had a few
But to the Skip I must not mention,
We had a family do, in a rough club, in New Invention
I necked each pint of Mild, with little thought, after all it's Friday
And now my head feels wild, 'cos I did it my way
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I thought I could bat at number two
Then through it all, when there was doubt
They put me in, and I got out
I faced the ball, I missed the call and got run out my way
I've bowled, they laughed and cried
It's 'cos of me the team keeps losing,
And now, as tears subside, they find my blog so amusing
To think if I could bat
They may not say "he's poor so why play?"
Oh please, oh please just once let's get runs my way
For what's number nine, what has he got?
He holds a bat, but has no shots
He plays the way he truly feels, and smacks the ball to one who fields
The record shows I score zeroes 'cos I do it my way!
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Dooobeeedoooo Retire
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