Friday, April 21, 2006

A rude awakening! Fri 21st April

I learned in the week that I'd been picked to play for the third team away at Whittington and was really looking forward to what is a nice fixture, especially as there is great weather forecast for this first match of the season.

At 7.30 this morning my front door was being banged and the bell rung as if a fire were sweeping the street. I leapt out of bed and immediately pulled several back muscles. I hobbled and winced as quickly as I could downstairs to find a sour faced gum-chewing Post Office woman showing me a parcel. Before I had chance to open the porch door she had left it upside down on the floor outside. Charming.

I've spent the whole day dosed up with painkillers and have had to withdraw from tomorrow's match. I would kick the nearest post box in an act of petty and pointless revenge if I weren't sure I'd break a metatarsal and miss the rest of the season.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Cricket season 2006 begins

Well, here we are again.

The sharp April wind cuts through the hardiest of us and the sunshine yet brings little warmth. It's the start of the cricket season in England, and the players of Penn, near Wolverhampton, are just starting to think about cleaning the mud off their boots from last September.

The pre-season routine remains pretty much the same. Practice nets have been ongoing since just before Christmas, and players are already setting themselves personal goals before the first match has knocked it clean out of them.

Cricket, like all things has been touched by technology. The old round of early April phone calls to gauge player availability has been replaced by a series of text messages. Fixtures and league tables now surface on the web rather than the local rag, and ageing cricketers like me take to blogging to record their personal experience of this year's campaign.

What lies in store I wonder?